Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcoming 2010

In a matter of hours I will be gratefully saying goodbye to the year 2009, and welcoming 2010 with arms wide open. I'm not exactly sure of my reasoning just yet, but 2010 is going to be a good year. I can just feel it pulsing through my veins; I'm actually excited, and for no apparent reason at all. 2009 wasn't my best year and I guess I just have high hopes for the following.

2010 shall bring new beginnings, new experiences, new faces and places, among many other things. I'll be traveling more and dare I say, I'm sensing a big move in the late summer/early fall? I'll be going back to school and working towards becoming a better person all-around.

I haven't thought much on New Year's resolutions this year, but I suppose I'll just list off a few of mine:

- Actually try to do something productive with my writing.
- Jump back on the Health band-wagon (Eating healthier, Working out more)
- Make something of everyday; don't let any more time go to waste.
- Spend more time with family, because they're important to me and I'd like for them to know that!

What are your resolutions for 2010?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Evaluating "Time"

Time is such a bittersweet thing when you think about it. There's always too much or never enough of it. Is it ever really, fully satisfying?

When you're excited about something and absolutely cannot wait for the day of that event to arrive: time seemingly goes by so unbelievably slow. Yet, as soon as that day finally comes and you're nothing but loathing the idea of it ending: time makes sure to fly by as fast as can be. It's highly unfortunate that we don't always remember to appreciate the time while we actually have it, because we're always only waiting for something else to come along. It's irritating how you can wait days, weeks, even months for something to happen and have so much anticipation built up inside of you that you feel as if you could burst... but then as soon as it does finally happen, you find that you're enjoying yourself so much that you've forgotten how ecstatic you were to be doing whatever it is. You've forgotten how long you've waited to enjoy this moment, and then in the blink of an eye, it's gone.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

To Every Hopeful Heartbroken Girl

Why is it that most conversations concerning "heartbroken" girls are normally so judgemental? People are always so mean and negative when referring to girls that are hung up on a break-up and this is really beginning to bother me lately. Just think for a minute; have you ever been in their position? If you've answered yes, then don't you remember what it's like? And if not, then who are you to judge them anyway?

Every heartbroken girl is not the same as one another. Some are immature, yes. Some are naive. Some actually seem to enjoy being depressed and undoubtedly love the attention it brings... but there are other kinds of heartbroken girls. The hopeful kind. The girls with self-respect. The ones that pick themselves up off the floor, and put all the pieces of their shattered hearts back together on their own. The girls that have the strength to continue on with their lives like nothing ever went wrong. The girls who know they deserve better, and yes, they definitely do. They don't deserve to be judged, picked apart, and thrown into a category for being heartbroken either. They deserve to be admired for their hopefulness. Their independence, and their strength; their ability to push through every day acting like everything is just fine, even when they really just want to break down and cry.

To every hopeful girl out there,
Those of you that are outwardly acting happy and unfathomed, but inwardly feeling broken and completely lost- I just want you to know that I admire you. I appreciate what you're doing and the way you're handling your situation. Even if I don't know you, it moves me. It really does. I've been there and I know what it takes. I know how hard you're working towards this, even if it seems to others as though your happiness comes with ease. Keep moving on, and things will get easier. In time<3

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Friend I Can't Wait to Meet

Dear future, new, perfect, unrealistic friend of mine,

I know you'll be just as wonderful as I'm suspecting you'll be. You'll act your age, rather than your shoe-size. I know you won't be an airhead because, well, then we just wouldn't be friends. We'll have so many things in common and I hope you enjoy deep, intellectual conversations just as much as I do. You'll agree with me about everything under the sun. We'll make such a great pair! We'll never argue and most-certainly never get irritated with each other. You won't waste my time venting to me about petty things, because we both know what's really important in life. We'll have the same hobbies and all the same interests. You'll love to shop almost as much as I do. We'll have all the same taste in everything, and we'll even wear the same sizes! You'll tell me everything I want to hear, and I'll do the same for you. Whenever I need someone you'll always be there. You won't let me make stupid decisions, and you'll tell me when I'm being naive. We'll have everything about life and love on lock and key. Oh, how amazing, great friends we'll be.

Unfortunately future, new, perfect, unrealistic friend of mine, I still have yet to meet you and trust me, this makes me so unbelievably glum. I can't wait for the day we finally meet, but I don't know when that day will come!

I suppose I'll just have to settle for my real friends until then...
And by real friends, I of course mean Ben and Jerry.

With up most respect and an abundance of love,
Kait (your future closest friend)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

Seeing as the year is soon coming to an end, now would be the perfect time to reflect on 2009. As every individual day goes by it seems like very little is changing, but when you look back on an entire year, you realize just how much has actually changed. You realize that not all of the people who were there at the beginning are there at the end. That your birthday was just another day. Some days were hard and some far too easy.

You realize your Valentine's day was ideal among many others; Your anniversary. You realize you've mended old friendships without even meaning to, and made new friends as well. You've had a lot of fun. You've become a lot more independent. Traveled alone and tried new things. You've worked hard, you've played hard.

You realize you've had an amazing year, but you also realize you've made mistakes. You've tried being supportive and ended up being selfish. Done and said things you wish you could take back. You've been careless, but you've been happy. Ignorance is bliss, but reality was sure to come back and slap you in the face. You've thought summer went by too quickly, only to look back and realize it was a lot longer than you think. You've struggled, but you've made it through yet again. You've tried so hard to make it a good one; a year to remember... it may have ended up being one of the worst yet.

But you've learned. Oh, have you learned. You've learned that arguments aren't worth it, fighting is a waste of time. Honesty really is the best policy. You've learned that family is forever and you don't need a handful of best friends; one or two is enough. It's not "Goodbye," it's "See you later." Long distance relationships are possible. You've learned to appreciate a significant other far more than you ever thought you could. That "soon" could mean an hour, a day, a week, a month, or even two. You've learned that not everything is about you. You've learned to let go, and you've seen people come back. You've learned that time goes by a lot faster than you've ever realized, and it won't be long<3

What has 2009 left with you?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How Divorce Stole Christmas

Christmas Eve was less exciting. Christmas morning less cheery. Waking up was a chore, and opening presents didn't go by quick enough. Pictures were annoying, and I was only interested in crawling back to bed. (That, and Christmas dinner.)

Christmas just isn't what it used to be,
holidays in general just aren't the same.
Every year I get less interested in any day that's dedicated to family
and I can't help but point fingers at who I feel is to blame.

I feel the act of marriage is far too easy; it should be more complicated to do. A much longer process too. You should have to jump through hoop after hoop; actually prove your genuine, honest love for someone before being able to marry them. You should be forced through hardships, and withstand actual struggle with a person before saying "I do." There should be more to it than a simple ceremony.

I'd like to say that divorce should be more complicated as well, but from what I've been told, it isn't exactly easy. (Take note that if this were actually true, divorce wouldn't be such a common thing.) But what do I know?

I know that marriage is too easy, and doesn't mean enough. I know that divorce is too common. I know that families should be harder to break and children less susceptible to pain.

They say things change... but they don't. People change, and I know this, but two people who undoubtedly love each other should be able to change and evolve together without giving up. Divorce shouldn't be such an easy way out; then maybe people would be less-likely to take it. Families would be less broken, children would be less hurt and Christmas, well Christmas would be a lot more cheerful.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


(There's nothing we can do about the things we have to do without.)

I'm so tired of negativity. Negative people, thoughts, and all things alike. I've rid myself of all things negative and only since then have I been completely content, and genuinely happy with my life. I only wish the people around me would learn to do the same.
The next time I hear someone say that they "can't help being so depressed all the time," please just remind me to shoot myself in the foot, okay?

It seems like everyone is always complaining about something. I understand the whole "the grass is always greener on the other side" thing. I'm 100% sure we have all felt like that at some point or another. I simply wish that more people would realize that they are in control of their lives, their own feelings. Only them. If you don't like something in your life; fix it. If you don't enjoy feeling unhappy; change it. It's really not as hard as we often make it out to be.

In the words of yours truly (from a previous blog): "It's so much easier to be happy and to choose to love the things that you already have, rather than always yearning for what you're missing, or what it is that you're imagining you're missing. It's so much more peaceful. It really is."

Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.

It's all about perception.